This time its Thyme time!

So this is what I'm thinking...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Reflective disclaimer!

Dear Boog3ee's blog reader:-
Reflecting on my last post and a couple of other thoughts that I had from other places, I would like to say that if by reading my posts you feel like I'm being judgmental, condescending or if I make it sound like I supposedly know how you see things or how you should see things (which I don't) then please feel free to ignore whatever I say or be so candid as to tell me to "fuck off" if so pleases you, I tend to allow my over nourished ego to take over sometimes and lead be to believe that I know more than what I know... part of it is because its fun to write with that attitude!
I'm not changing the posts though... at the end of the day I'm sharing some of my experiences and some of what I learned from them, it may be pompous, but its not entirely bullshit! :-)
Thank you!


At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it is good to know that u acknowledge the fact that u are pompous and u preach bullshit:) your Primary Investor,

At 2:32 PM, Blogger boog3ee said...

Thank you for that invaluable contribution my dear "primary investor!"! :-p

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To those who cannot handle boog's strong opinions:
"fuck off!"
How's that?


At 1:33 AM, Blogger Lulwa said...

I think you should retract this apology, and like Mud says...who can't deal...tell them to shuv it!


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